Celebrate the visual games history of the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron with this case bound book, now back in print for 2024. With free postage to the UK, the book is in stock now.
The book features a foreword by Richard Hanson (Superior Software) and Life of an Acorn Gamer by TV's Iain Lee, it features a full retrospect on Acorn Computers with Hermann Hauser, Chris Curry, Steve Furber, Sophie Wilson and Chris Turner; over 170 classic games, with exclusive interviews with key figures in the industry at the time - from the likes of David Braben and Ian Bell (Elite); Geoff Crammond (Revs/Aviator); Peter Irvin (Exile); Tim Tyler (Repton); Nick Pelling (Frak!); Peter Scott (Sim City/The Last Ninja); Gary Partis (Psycastria/Dr Who); Chris Roberts (Stryker's Run); Ross Goodley (Alligata's Blagger); Dave Woodhouse (English Software's Jet Boot Jack); Steve Botterill (Superior Software / 4th Dimension); John Dyson (Superior Software) and many, many more – and features on subjects such as key publishers, cover art and classic magazines.
The book showcases the computers’ inimitable graphic style and is packed full with memories and anecdotes from programmers, artists, publishers, reviewers and enthusiasts. Remember Elite, Chuckie Egg, Repton, Exile, Starship Command, Thrust, Citadel, Revs, Imogen, Codename:Droid, Firetrack, Arcadians, Mr Ee!, Zalaga, Castle Quest, Galaforce, Snapper, Level 9's adventures, Uridium, Jet Power Jack and many more.
Read about the history of the iconic publishers including Superior Software, Micro Power, Acornsoft, Tynesoft, Level 9, 4th Dimension, Alligata, MRM, Ultimate Play the Game, and more. Learn about the magazine publishers of the time, how the games industry evolved and the many 'lost and found' games of the era. And much, much more.
Artwork from Ste Pickford (of the Pickford Brothers), Les Ives (original cover artist for Micro Power and Superior Software) and Mark Hardisty.
An unmissable publication for anyone who grew up with an Acorn 8-bit machine.
You will also receive a download link to the "Memory Full" 700-page digital download edition of the book, free with this purchase from the idesine store. This print edition contains an essential selection. The download link will be sent once the print edition is despatched.
Book specifications
ISBN-13 : 978-1-903527-29-0
Hardback, 560 pages on 150gsm gloss paper, 170mm x 230mm.
This print run of the book comes without a slip case.
Includes contributions from
Acorn – Chris Curry; Steve Furber; Hermann Hauser; Chris Turner; Sophie Wilson
Programmers - Marcus Altman (Heist); Dave Acton (Repton Infinity); Michael Archer (W.A.R); Matthew Atkinson (Repton 3); Ian Bell (Elite); Andrew Bennett (Boulder Dash); Simon Birrell (Microbe); Kevin Blake (Spy vs Spy); David Braben (Elite); Mike Bryant (Gnome Ranger); Stuart Cheshire (Skirmish); Dave Coathupe (Manic Miner); Geoff Crammond (Revs, The Sentinel); Neil Davidson (Ricochet); Tim Dobson (Monsters); Ian Downend (XOR); Martin Edmondson (Codename:Droid); Kevin Edwards (Galaforce); David Elliot (Swoop); Ross Goodley (Blagger); Jonathan Griffiths (Snapper); Trevor Harwood (Commando); Paul Hiscock (Android Attack); Ian Holmes (Pipeline); Angus Hughes (Uridium); Sam Inglis (Shark); Peter Irvin (Exile); Michael Jakobsen (Citadel); Peter Johnson (Yie Ar Kung-Fu); Richard Kay (HyperSports); Gordon Key (Holed Out); Tom Lanigan (Lode Runner); Dave Lawrence (Repton Infinity); Robin Leatherbarrow (Jet Boat);David Lovekin (Space Pilot); David Lloyd (Winter Olympaid ’88); Walter Mansell (The Mine); Michael Mathison (Labyrinth); Tony Monckton (Chipbuster); Mat Newman (Fortress); Tony Oakden (Quest); Philip and Andrew Oliver (Cavey); Steve Parkinson (Hyperball); Gary Partis (Psycastria); Nick Pelling (Frak!); Simon Phipps (Jet Power Jack); Simon Pick (Dare Devil Denis); Keith Purkiss (Tales of the Arabian Knights); Kenton Price (Starquake); William Reeve (Pipeline); Nick Reeves (Tetrapod);Kevin Reid (Snooker); Graeme Richardson (Nevyron); Chris Roberts (Stryker’s Run); Sean Scarff (Moon Cresta);Peter Scott (Sim City); Dan and Eton Shirron (Spellbinder); Jason Sobell (Bug Eyes); Adrian Stephens (Mr Ee!); Michael St Aubyn (Imogen); Martin Sykes (Karate Combat); Nick Tingle (Missile Control); Kevin Toms (Football Manager); Julian Todd (Mineshaft); Tim Tyler (Repton); Richard Warner (Pole Position); Stephen Wileman (Palace of Magic); Dave Woodhouse (Jet Boot Jack);
Sound and Pixel Art – Martin Galway (Ocean); Michael Hutchison (Superior Software); Jolyon Myers (ASL); Ian Waugh (Tynesoft); Melvyn Wright (Firebird)
Publishers – Steve Botterill (4th Dimension); Alan Butcher (Micro Power); Ian Clemmett (Micro Power); John Dyson (Superior); Mike Goldberg (MRM); Richard and Steve Hanson (Superior Software); Dave Palmer (Alligata); Christopher Payne (Micro Power and Superior Software); Darryl Still (ASL); Dave Vout (Software Invasion)
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